For me, there is always a sense of optimism in January. This has much to do with the ebb and flow of the seasons. Although the worst of the winter weather is yet to come, the shortest day is now behind us. In a few short weeks, the afternoons will be noticeably lighter. It won’t be long before there are some signs of spring, with all its symbolism.
So regardless of how you feel about New Year’s resolutions, changing some habits in January could mean that by the time spring is here good and proper, you could be feeling the benefits.
Make it as easy as you can. We are aiming to establish a habit and have success with a pattern of behaviour, not completely redesign your life. Choose something that could be achieved in no more than ten minutes a day. For inspiration, think about the five focus areas of the well-being habits.
Move slightly more at a particular time of day or linked to an aspect of your life. Plan for one of your meals or snacks a day. Change something about your bedtime routine. Proactively plan for your habits around your phone. Schedule some short things into your diary that make you smile.
Just choose one of the above to track. You might do more, but tracking one will help you stay curious about your progress. Observe how it goes for January and take it from there.
Happy New Year!